Self Starters can create around themselves an environment that appreciates and fulfills their needs. According to Maslow's theory, the number of genuinely self-actualized people (who desire to achieve their full capabilities) is less than two percent of the total population.
Looking at the graphic above - are you a self-starter? Can you self-actualize and motivate yourself?
Self-motivated people can go from the Anxiety and excitement presented by a new Idea, situation, or challenge to the Acceptance of the new reality in a highly compressed time frame without any dip in their performance and output. They are usually good change leaders, innovators, or early adopters.
Our approach and platform support 3T's that enable Self-Starters - TRANSPARENCY, so everyone knows What's Going On (WGO), TRUST in fair work recognition, and TANGIBLE ACTIONS documented as a Proof of Work. Then it's up to you to empower good things to happen.
Success is never solely down to creative ideas or unique products or services. The difference between success and failure is actually down to the fundamentals of how you operationalize your business. Check our guide to the best operational and transformation practices, that people love.