To be successful, you need to be able to adapt to any situation. Adaptability is the ability to adjust to new conditions. You also need to have the grit and persistence to push things forward. Grit means stamina. Zoom in on building a culture of team play. Make sure everyone understands their rights and obligations as a team member.
These three qualities are similar to the characteristics needed to make it in the special forces.
Looking at the graphic above - how much grit and adaptability do you have and what level of team play do you possess?
A term commonly used to describe this skill set of Adaptability, Grit, and Team play is “situational leadership”—an instant reaction to a fluid and evolving situation. You have to recognize the weaknesses, needs, and priorities in a moment, identify solutions quickly, and turn them into action that moves you or the whole team forward towards the assigned goal.
You need to be able to do it repetitively and under pressure
This philosophy has the best chance of aligning yourself behind the new reality and dissolves anxiety of the unknown. You avoid disengagement that comes from a temporary lack of purpose and achieve the acceptance of the future state.
Our leadership approach enables you to listen to your company indirectly and remotely so you learn What’s Going On (WGO) and can adapt your Focus to any quickly changing situation
Success is never solely down to creative ideas or unique products or services. The difference between success and failure is actually down to the fundamentals of how you operationalize your business. Check our guide to the best operational and transformation practices, that people love.