◼︎ OIB (OPS-in-a-BOX) platform is part of the new application trend that supports so-called "LIQUID” WORK approach towards enterprise work management in a complex and fast-changing environment. It avoids using ineffective models of centralized or decentralized work.

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◼︎ OIB platform brings the company’s “work together” by “connecting outputs and deliverables of complex processes” (services) in functional departments using so-called "work map" that is simple to understand.

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1) OIB platform uniquely connects company work across many systems and platforms (CRM, Ticketing system, Marketing campaign tools, etc.) with “work time” that is stored in calendars of each employee and “cost” that is stored in the financial systems. OIB calculates the profitability of each deal in real-time. OIB eliminates the necessity to capture work hours in separate timesheet application. You see connected information through the dimension of your choice (team member, work, work time, cost)

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2) On the other hand, OIB gives full “functional freedom“ to use existing departmental processes and tools.

3) In addition OIB platform “organize materials” that are easily accessible from one place no matter where they are stored or what platform they were created in. You avoid complex searches; all content is at your fingertip.

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◼︎ The work of small flexible teams/squads is organized around virtual containers we call “work desks.” All materials and content are linked to these containers “work desks” by context to avoid duplicity and need for version control. Information about your tasks, meetings, and decisions is similarly tied to the work desks. Your Office 365 or Google calendars are synchronized with OIB.

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◼︎ The deliverables of your existing work processes are called “service” and are offered internally among individual departments of your company. If someone needs work to be done, they ask for the deliverable (service) electronically within OIB. This arrangement guarantees that you know who is asking for what deliverables and who works on it.

◼︎ OIB is unique compared to other platforms because it makes “work output visible” but “hides complex processes” that lead to it. It doesn’t burden the entire company with unnecessary details and makes work transparent and simpler to follow.


How does it WORK


Manage WORK


◼︎ The unprecedented work transparency is achieved by combining a company’s simple work structure with maximum autonomy and agility given to the teamwork in the functional departments.

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◼︎ The “Elements” of the company’s work structure.

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◼︎ “WORKSTREAM” - is a template for routinely repetitive work on the company level that all employees should understand. It is not a detailed functional process but rather a stream of deliverables completed by individual departments that form a final company output. ( example: sales cycle, customer support cycle, planning, and control cycle, measurement and evaluation of results, etc.)


◼︎ “MILESTONE” - represents a point within a WORKSTREAM named by a specific progress achievement. It splits the workstreams into smaller parts for a more natural orientation of team members about work progress. (examples: deal identified, offer extended, deal closed, etc.)


◼︎ SERVICE/DELIVERABLE represents agile teamwork completing important deliverable while using departmental processes and tools. The team meetings, events, tasks and decisions coordinate the work of the team members. The work takes weeks typically to months. (a typical example is: hiring employee, close a deal, implement a tool, resolve a customer complaint, team compensation plan, etc.)

◼︎ The difference between “SERVICE/DELIVERABLE” and ”TASK” is the volume of work; it’s duration and number of participants completing the work. Also ”TASKs” usually roll up under a “SERVICE/DELIVERABLE.”

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◼︎ Container “WORKDESK” - is a virtual work area where invited co-workers organize and coordinate their work and store information relevant to a particular “SERVICE/DELIVERABLE” which is a part of a specific “WORKSTREAM.”

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◼︎ “TASK, EVENT, MEETING, DECISION” are collaborative “generic functions” used for work in containers “workdesks” of a “SERVICE/DELIVERABLE.”



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◼︎ 1. Transparent view of your work is enabled through three “lenses”:

  • people - my contacts ( choose a co-worker and the system will show you what’s being work on and how much time is used)

  • work - my work (shows the identical information through the lens of work - as a list of your deals or other transactions

  • time - my calendar (you’ll see what work is done and who is participating)

◼︎ 2. Work requests are administered through an INBOX where you accept or decline work you are requested to perform and mark as a completed when you finished.


◼︎ 3. Auto “Reminders” monitor work effectiveness and meeting deadlines.
