to start - answer a simple question

How much time do you have for work?

Educate | Justify | Solve

Your work splits into three areas - Educating others, Justifying your actions, and Solving customer problems.


Educating yourself and others on how you solve customer problems.

Aligning, bringing up to speed, looping, and filling others in on what you do. (QBR’s, Updates, Stand-ups, etc.)


Justifying resources (People, Time, Money & Assets) needed to solve customer problems.

Negotiating, Planning, Budgeting, Reporting…


An effort that directly leads to solving customer problems

Researching, Analyzing, Engaging, Architecting, Designing, Prototyping, Building, Supporting


Although the time to EDUCATE and JUSTIFY is needed, you make the most impact in the SOLVE Area.

How Much Time

should I dedicate to solving customer problems then?
It depends on who you are. Individuals 75%, Managers 50%, Executives 25%

How do I figure out where MY time goES?


It is straightforward - check your Office 365 calendar

and build a new habit - Tag Your Work (TYW)

Just follow these tips

Choose a “Board” view of your Office 365 calendar and tasks

Create three categories in calendar


Tag your calendar events



List your Tasks next to the Calendar.

As you work, drag and drop your Tasks onto your calendar. Tag it into one of your three categories

Building a habit takes time


and come back in 90 days with your Tagged calendar; we’ll help you understand your work habits.

With the answers, you can better manage your time investment and performance. As a result, management can delegate more power without losing control, reducing governance effort significantly.


Don’t just invest in people; invest in how people spend their time